Standing Committees
Each of the following committees includes a chair, charged with organizing, prioritizing, reporting to the department, and ensuring the timely achievement of goals. Normally, two additional faculty members (graduate or fulltime unclassified academic staff) serve on each committee except as noted below. Standing committees are those from which regular reports are given and whose policy recommendations are presented for faculty vote.
Graduate Admissions and Studies Committee
The Graduate Admissions oversees the recruitment of new graduate students qualified to pursue either the M.A. or the Ph.D. in the department. This committee also administers all fellowships and competitions relevant to recruitment.
The Graduate Studies oversees the effective administration of the M.A. and Ph.D. programs in the department. This includes: periodic evaluation of each degree program and its curriculum, periodic revision of the M.A. Reading List (once every four years), response to all petitions seeking exceptions to departmental procedures, oversight of all comprehensive examination procedures, and administration of extensions for GTA support and completion of degree. The committee also oversees professional development of graduate students, including workshops and other activities meant to prepare graduate students for postgraduate academic careers. It is also charged with managing the department’s graduate Assessment Plan and submitting the department’s graduate Assessment Report to the Provost.
Committee Chair: Isidro J. Rivera
Spanish Language Program Committee
The director of the Spanish Language Program chairs this standing committee. Its goal is to ensure the quality of the Spanish and Portuguese language programs, establish policy regarding the implementation of effective language instruction and teacher training, and to provide the department chair with evaluations of all GTAs and lecturers sufficient for the assignment of possible merit salary increases at the end of the spring semester.
Committee Chair: Amy Rossomondo
Portuguese Committee
The Portuguese Committee promotes the coherence and vitality of Portuguese as a less commonly taught language. The committee may engage in publicity activities and curriculum revision that contribute to stronger enrollments and greater programmatic coherence. If GTAs are appointed in Portuguese, their training and supervision belongs with the members of this committee.
Committee Chair: Luciano Tosta
Undergraduate Studies Committee
The Undergraduate Studies Committee oversees the effective administration of the B.A. and Minor in Spanish and the Minor in Brazilian Studies. This includes: periodic revision of the requirements for the major and minor; periodic assessment of the major and minor; attention to coherent articulation among courses at the 300, 400, and 500 levels; the development and periodic revision of curricular guidelines to ensure standard levels of requirements and learning objectives for similar courses; and the evaluation of materials for transfer credits from accredited United States post-secondary institutions as needed by petition. The committee also works to promote our study abroad programs, to explore new programs, and to review program curricula to address the needs of our students. It is also charged with managing the department’s undergraduate Assessment Plan and submitting the department’s undergraduate Assessment Report to the Provost.