Robert Bayliss

- Professor
- Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Office Phone:
Department Phone:
Wescoe Hall, room #2626
Biography —
Robert E. Bayliss earned his B.A. from the University of Notre Dame, his M.A. in Comparative Literature from The University of Georgia, and his Ph.D. in both Hispanic Literature and Comparative Literature from Indiana University. He has published articles in several journals including Hispanic Review, Comparative Drama, Hispania and Comparative Literature Studies. His book, The Discourse of Courtly Love in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theater, was published in 2008 by Bucknell University Press.
His forthcoming book, The Currency of Cultural Patrimony: The Spanish Golden Age (Liverpool UP), addresses the ways in which the "classics" of Spain's Golden Age are adapted, appropriated, and consumed in contemporary Spain. He was awarded the 2009-2011 Cramer Professorship for research and teaching.
His forthcoming book, The Currency of Cultural Patrimony: The Spanish Golden Age (Liverpool UP), addresses the ways in which the "classics" of Spain's Golden Age are adapted, appropriated, and consumed in contemporary Spain. He was awarded the 2009-2011 Cramer Professorship for research and teaching.
Education —
Comparative Literature and Hispanic Literatures, Indiana University, 2003, Bloomington, IN
Comparative Literature, University of Georgia, 1997, Athens, GA
University of Notre Dame, 1994, South Bend, IN
Research —
Research interests:
- Early modern Spanish literature and cultural studies
- contemporary Spanish studies
- Comparative Literature
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Early modern Spanish literature and cultural studies
- Spanish grammar and composition
- Humanities
Selected Publications —
Bayliss, Robert. “Quijotes Transatlánticos and Golden-Age Hispanism.” Cosmic Wit: Essays in Honor of Edward H. Friedman, Juan de la Cuesta , 2021, pp. 59–76.
Bayliss, Robert E., and Judith Caballero, editors. Peculiar Lives: Essays in Honor of Amy Williamsen. University Press of the South, 2020.
Bayliss, Robert. “#MeToo: El Burlador de Sevilla as Foil to Feminism in the Age of Trumpism.” Reconsidering Early Modern Spanish Literature through Mass and Pop Culture, Brill, 2020.
Rossomondo, Amy E., and Robert E. Bayliss. “‘Apologia No More: On Strong Foundations and the Future of Hispanism’ .” Hispania, vol. 100, no. 5, 2019.
Bayliss, Robert E. “‘Taking Back the Night: El Burlador de Sevilla and 21st-Century Feminisms.’” Immature Playboys and Predatory Tricksters: The Archetype of Don Juan in Luso/Hispanic-Latino Letters and Beyond, Juan de la Cuesta, 2019, pp. 207–29.
Bayliss, Robert. “Lope Enamorado: Cine Postnacional y Patrimonio.” Hispania, vol. 58, no. 4, Nov. 2015.
Bayliss, Robert. “Drama of a Nation in Crisis: Public Theater and the ‘Feminized’ Early Modern Spanish State.” Gestos, vol. 59, Apr. 2015, pp. 35–49,
Bayliss, Robert. “Drama of a Nation in Crisis: Public Theater and the ‘Feminized’ Early Modern Spanish State.” Gestos, vol. 59, Apr. 2015, pp. 35–49,
Bayliss, Robert. “‘Thinking Globally, Acting Locally and Performing Nationalism: Local, National and Global Remakes of the Comedia.’ .” Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation, edited by Susan Paun García and Harley Erdman, Tamesis, 2015, pp. 65–74,
Bayliss, Robert. “A Tale of Two Quixotes: Don Quixote Today, in Theory and in Practice.” Don Quixote: Interdisciplinary Connections, Juan de la Cuesta, 2013, pp. 165–83.
Bayliss, Robert. “Towards a Diachronic View of the Meaning and Significance of the Comedia.” Comedia Performance, vol. 6, no. 1, 2009, pp. 83–99.
Bayliss, Robert. “The Best Man in the Play: Female Agency in a Gender-Inclusive Comedia Studies.” Bulletin of the Comediantes, vol. 59, no. 2, 2008, pp. 303–23.
Bayliss, Robert. The Discourse of Courtly Love in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Theatre. Bucknell University Press, 2008.
Bayliss, Robert. “What Don Quixote Means (Today).” Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 43, no. 4, 2007, pp. 382–97.
Bayliss, Robert. “Ancients, Moderns, and the Authenticity Issue in Comedia Performance.” Comedia Performance, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006, pp. 121–45.
Bayliss, Robert. “Serving Don Juan: Decorum and Ideology in Tirso and Molière.” Comparative Drama, vol. 40.3, 2006, pp. 191–215.
Bayliss, Robert E. “‘Miguel de Cervantes.’” Books to Film: Cinematic Adaptations of Literary Works, vol. 2, no. 1, Cengage.
Awards & Honors —
Jessie and Marie Cramer Root Professorship
University of Kansas
2009 - 2012
University of Kansas
2009 - 2012
Jessie and Marie Cramer Root Award
University of Kansas
University of Kansas
Faculty Travel Award
Hall Center for the Humanities
Hall Center for the Humanities
Service —
Undergraduate Studies Chair, Graduate Admissions Chair, Associate Chair of Department