Sigree Moreno Cruz

- Lecturer
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Wescoe Hall 2601
Biography —
Sigree Moreno Cruz is lecturer at the University of Kansas in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. She obtained her M.A. in Spanish in 2024, and a Bachelor's degree in Spanish with a minor in Psychology at KU in the Spring of 2022. Sigree also is one of the founding members of the grassroots initiative 'Somos Lawrence' in Lawrence, KS. She also served as vice-president for GRASP 2023-2024. Her research interests are in cultural studies and indigenous studies, but is not limited to these topics.
Education —
M.A. in Spanish, University of Kansas, 2024
Research —
Research interests:
- Modern/Contemporary Latin America
- Indigenous Studies
- Cultural Studies
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Spanish language
- Hispanic literature and culture
- Second language learning