Ninel Valderrama Negrón

- Assistant Professor
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Biography —
Ninel Valderrama Negrón graduated with a degree in History at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and completed another Master's degree in Art History at UNAM in 2013. Her master's thesis won the University Award for best research. She finished her MA and PhD at Duke University in the United States.
She participated in the Getty Foundation's Unfolding Latin America program, an experience that connected her with art history and history study programs at other universities in Latin America (IDAES in Buenos Aires, UERJ in Rio de Janeiro, Universidad San Francisco in Quito and Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá).
Her research aims to expand and strengthen Global Hispanophone Studies by acknowledging Spain’s long history of colonialism in Cuba and the Philippines. Studying the link between Latin America and Asia necessitates diving into different geographical networks and questioning popularly held notions regarding the historical chronology of nation-building processes in Latin America.. Her publications aim to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the shifting contours of race relations, politics, and cultural production in the Americas, including the various diasporas. Taking a closer look at communities that share the Pacific Ocean can change how race and identity are constructed in former Spanish and Portuguese colonies. Combining archival research with digital humanities throughout her research, she argues for the importance of acknowledging the role that the Asian and African diasporas played in the emergence of the Americas by expanding current notions of race (mestizaje).
Valderrama-Negrón has received several grants and fellowships from organizations including the Getty Foundation, the Thoma Foundation, the Comité International d’Histoire de l’Art, and Duke’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
Research —
Research interests:
- Colonial and 19th century Global Hispanophone literature and art
- Transpacific and Asian Latin American diaspora culture, history, and politics
- Urban and infrastructural studies
- Visual culture and archival studies
- Post-colonial and subaltern studies
- Digital Humanities
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Global Hispanophone art, culture and politics
- Transpacific and Asian Latinamerican Diaspora
- Urban cultural studies
- Digital Humanities
- Cultural and literary theory
Selected Publications —
“Infrastructure and race: the Cholera epidemic in Havana (1833)”. Special Dossier Peripherica, vol.3., No.1, El pabellón colonial: revisiting Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. (on review)
“(Hi)Story in the Margins: Jose Rizal’s Footnotes to Antonio Morga’s Chronicle”. Dossier temático "Arte, História e Escrita" LaborHistorico, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, December 2020.
“Las islas de los galleros: la irrupción de la visualidad”. Transmodernity: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World, 9(4). Spring 2020
“El pacto y la traición como imágenes fundacionales en México y Filipinas”, in: XXXV Coloquio Internacional de Historia del arte. Continuo y Discontiuo. Dilemas de la Historia del Arte en América Latina, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM, 2017. ISBN 978-607-02-8782-4
“Nostalgia of the Empire: the arrival of the portrait of Ferdinand VII in Manila in 1825” 19&20, Rio de Janeiro, v. X, n. 2, Jul./Dic. 2015. Available in ISSN: 1981-030X
“La imagen del vacío de poder: El impreso de Guatemala por Fernando Séptimo”, in: Marina Garone (ed.-.), Imagen y Cultura impresa: perspectivas bibliológicas, Colección Debate y Reflexión del CEICH, México, Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas, 2014. ISBN 607-027-221-8
“Las redes familiares de Lorenzo de la Hidalga en la Nueva España. Una visión desde la Historia del Arte”, in Amaya Garritz and Javier Sanchiz, Genealogía, heráldica y documentación, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UNAM, 2014. ISBN 978-607-02-5988-3.
“El artilugio del tiempo en un tablado en honor a Fernando VII en Guatemala”, in: Imágenes. Revista Electrónica del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, October 2011, UNAM. ISBN 978-607-021-835-4.