Miguel Ángel Albújar-Escuredo

- Assistant Teaching Professor
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Contact Info
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Miguel Ángel Albújar-Escuredo is originally from Barcelona, Spain. He has degrees in Journalism (B.A. from University Ramon Llull), Literature (B.A. from University of Barcelona and M.A. from University of Salamanca), and Education (M.S. from University of Barcelona) and graduated from the University Nebraska-Lincoln with a Ph.D. in Spanish Literature. Presently, he is carrying on research in the field of Science-Fiction. He has published several articles in journals such as Alambique: Revista Académica de Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía, Anales Cervantinos, and Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies amongst others. In addition, he has written for newspapers (Avui) and radio stations (Rac1, OndaCero, etc.), cultural magazines such as Culturamas and international relations publications such as Observatorio de Actualidad Mundial Blanquerna. He has volunteered for NET (PBS & NPR Stations) providing translation services and for Lincoln Literacy helping to migrate all the educational activities to online learning management systems. Miguel Ángel currently holds the positions of Editor and Translator for Fantraginers, online site of Science-Fiction in Catalan.
Research —
Research interests:
- Ecology
- Inequality
- Fiction
Teaching —
- Science-Fiction
- Literature
- Languages
Selected Publications —
Albujar-Escuredo, Miguel A. “A New Nature is coming. We will be repossessed, and the Spectres of the Post-Natural will take the world. Predictions of a new Symbiotic Earth in Fafner (2018) by Daniel Perez Navarro.” Alambique. Revista académica de ciencia ficción y fantasía / Jornal acadêmico de ficção científica e fantasía, Vol 10.1, 2023.
Albujar-Escuredo, Miguel A. “Nostalgia y hegemonía en ‘Cuatro siglos de buen gobierno’ de Nilo María Fabra.” Ínsula, Revista de Letras y Ciencias Humanas, Edited by Juan Herrero Senés and Mariano Martín Rodríguez, Iss. 911, Editorial Planeta, November, 2022, pp. 4-8.
---. “Borges and the Archetype: Synecdochic Recurrence as a Creational Engine.” Breaking Fantastic, Edited by Mario-Paul Martínez Fabre and Fran Mateu, Universidad Miguel Hernandez Elche, 2021. pp, 149-164.
---. “Nomadism and Poverty, of how Capitalism rides on the shoulders of inequality in Ciudad nómada, rebaño miseria (2020) by Pablo Loperena.” Discursos, mujeres y artes: ¿construyendo o derribando fronteras?, Edited by Romina Grana, Ediciones Egregius, 2021, pp, 155-166.
---. “Erlebis y Erfahrung, experiencias vivenciales en Voces en la ribera del mundo de Diana P. Morales.” Nuevos retos y perspectivas de la investigación en literatura, lingüística y traducción, Edited by Salud Adelaida Flores Borjabad and Rosario Pérez Cabaña, Ediciones Egregius, 2021, pp. 45-55.
---. “El último sueño, a Novel of Anthropocenic Posthumanistic Sensibility.” Alambique. Revista académica de ciencia ficción y fantasía / Jornal acadêmico de ficção científica e fantasía: Vol. 8: Iss. 1, 2021.
---. “Víctima y victimario como continuidades existenciales en la narrativa de Borges.” Crimen y fantástico, Edited by Mario-Paul Martínez Fabre and Fran Mateu, Universidad Miguel Hernandez Elche, 2021. pp. 245-252.
---. “Caja de fractales (2017), una propuesta de humanismo antropocénico en tiempo de ecocidio.” Alambique. Revista académica de ciencia ficción y fantasía / Jornal acadêmico de ficção científica e fantasía, Vol. 7: Iss. 2, 2020.
---. “El Jardí dels set crepuscles, la intelectualización de la ficción especulativa en la literatura catalana de los años ochenta.” Alambique: Revista Académica de Ciencia Ficción y Fantasía, Vol: 6, Iss. 2, 2019.
---. “De la importancia de la “prótesis cultural” en el episodio LXXIIII de la segunda parte de Don Quijote de la Mancha, en el cual el protagonista fallece.” Anales Cervantinos, Vol. LI, 2019, pp. 17-31.
---. “L’Écriture ou la vie: pharmakos de la esfera pública de Jorge Semprún.” Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies, vol.12, 2018, pp. 86-108.
---. “La importancia del fingimiento teatral y sus consecuencias en el Quijote de Cervantes.” Cervantes, Shakespeare Y La Edad De Oro De La Escena. Edited by Riera J. Braga et al., Fundación Universitaria Española, 2018, pp. 15-28.
Selected Presentations —
Albujar-Escuredo, Miguel A. “Un universo sin dinero ni capitalismo: La puerta del cielo (2018) de Ana Llurba.” Reimaginando Futuros: I Congreso Internacional de ciencia ficción latinoamericana y española (2010-2020), Laboratorio de Estudios del Futuro, Universidad de Alcalá, Jun 7-9, 2023.
---. “A New Nature is coming. We will be repossessed, and the Spectres of the Post-Natural will take the world. Predictions of a new Symbiotic Earth in Fafner (2018) by Daniel Perez Navarro.” VICFA 1 - “The Global Fantastic”, IAFA Online Conference, Oct 7-9, 2022.
---. Organizer member of the First Annual Sturgeon Symposium and Participant in the “Teaching SF in the Current Age” Round Table in the J. Wayne and Elsie M. Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction, at the University of Kansas, Sept 29-30, 2022.
---. “Nomadism and Poverty, of How Capitalism Rides on the Shoulders of Inequality in Ciudad nómada, rebaño miseria (2020) by Pablo Loperena.” CIIID 2021, Identidades, Inclusión y Desigualda; May 20-21, 2021.
---. “‘El último sueño’: A Novel of Anthropocenic Posthumanistic Sensibility.” ICFA 42, Climate Change and the Anthropocene, March 18-21, 2021.
---. “Dissecting El Aleph - the archetypical recurrence as a creational engine.” Congreso Internacional de Género Fantástico, Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías (Fantaelx). November 12-13, 2020.
---. “Víctima y victimario como continuidades existenciales en la narrativa de Borges. ” Congreso Internacional de Género Fantástico, Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías (Fantaelx). November 12-13, 2020.
---. “Spanish-language Science Fiction interpretations of our Anthropocenic world.” Canceled Papers Virtual Conference, hosted by the Hall Center for the Humanities University of Kansas, April 24 -25, 2020.
---. Celebrating 100 Years of Hispanism in Kansas and Beyond. The University of Kansas. October 16-18, 2019.
---. Congreso Internacional sobre Narrativas Distópicas: “de 1984 a Los Juegos del hambre.” Universidad CEU San Pablo y Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. February 26-28, 2018.
---. Future of the Humanities 2017 Symposium. University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Lincoln, Nebraska, March 9-11, 2017.
---. “Un arquetipo, tres cuentos en Borges.” Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas, November 3-5, 2016.
---. “El fingimiento como estrategia de supervivencia en El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha.” Congreso internacional Cervantes, Shakespeare y la edad de oro de la escena. Instituto del Teatro de Madrid (Facultad de Filología, UCM), Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático (RESAD), Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico (CNTC). October 17-21, 2016.
---. “La dificultad pragmática de legislar derechos naturales en el Nuevo Mundo.” First Congress of Lalisa, Latin American, Latino, & Iberian Studies of the Pacific Northwest, New Temporal Regimes in Literature, History, and the Social Sciences, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, April 8-9, 2016.
---. “La locura como patrón narrativo en El jardí del set crepuscles de Miguel de Palol.” XVI Col.loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes (AILCC), Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, July 1-6, 2012.
---. Member of the Organising Committee. XVI Col.loqui Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes (AILCC), Universidad de Salamanca, July 1-6, 2012.
---. I Encuentro Internacional “Lorca: Viajero por América.” Casa de América de Madrid. November 10, 2011.
Awards & Honors —
2023: Grant participant from the U.S. Department of Education (USDE) to be a designated Title VI National Resource Center (NRC) in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from 2022-2026 through the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Kansas to develop Span 448 (Spanish for Business) as an asynchronous online course.
2022: The University of Kansas Research-Intensive Course Mini-Grant for the Spring 2023 semester for proposed plans with SPAN 448 (Spanish for Business).
2015-2017: Rogers Conference and Research Support Fellowship at the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures (DMLL), University Nebraska Lincoln.
2017: George Hippee Rogers Merit Fellowships at DMLL, University Nebraska Lincoln.
2014-2016: Othmer Fellowship for Exceptional Scholars, University Nebraska Lincoln.