Martha Blanco

- Ph.D. Student
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Biography —
Martha Blanco González, PhD with honors in Spanish Literature from the University of Santiago de Compostela, researches the connections between Spanish and Portuguese poetry during the Spanish Golden Age. Her work primarily focuses on the historiography and study criteria of 16th-century Spanish poetry, with particular attention to poetic schools and lírica italianizante. In parallel, she has shown interest in the querelle des femmes and apologetic literature of the 15th and 16th centuries, focusing on authors such as Álvaro de Luna, Diego de Valera, Fr. Martín de Córdoba, and Juan de Espinosa, among others. Currently, her research is centered on the commentaries on Luís de Camões' Rimas várias made by the poet, critic, and historian Faria e Sousa, as well as on the precepts concerning certain genres and their evolution, with a special emphasis on the ode.
Research —
Research interests:
- Early Modern Spanish literature
- Hispano-Portuguese poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries
- Italian Renaissance verse forms and poetic techniques
- Cancioneros, cartapacios, and miscellanies of the Golden Age
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Early Modern Spanish literature
- Renaissance and Manneristic Hispano-Portuguese poetry
- Textual criticism
- Poetic genres
Selected Publications —
Blanco González, Martha, and Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro. “Textos y autores luso-castellanos de los siglos XVI y XVII.” Criticón, no. 134 [monographic issue coord. by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro and Martha Blanco González], 2018, pp. 5-34.
Blanco González, Martha. “Lucrecia tras el muliebre certamen: defensa y vituperio.” Conjuntando la mirada y el verso. Nuevas perspectivas de estudio de la Literatura española, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Jaén, 2019, pp. 20-36.
—. “Manuel de Faria e Sousa: entre la exégesis humanista y el ensayo.” Visiones histórico-literarias de España y el Nuevo Mundo en la tradición clásica, Edited by Jesús Paniagua Pérez and Ángel Ruiz Pérez, Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 87-112.
—. “Paternidad poética controvertida o España y Portugal en el marco de las Rimas várias de Faria e Sousa.” Entre Italia, Portugal y España: ensayos de recepción literaria. Entre Itália, Portugal e Espanha: ensaios de recepção literária, Edited by Soledad Pérez-Abadín Barro, Rita Marnoto, David González Ramírez, and Martha Blanco González, USC Editora, 2022, pp. 307-336.
—. “La preceptiva de la oda desde las poéticas del siglo XVI hasta Faria e Sousa.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies (in press).
—, translator. Fundamentos de Crítica textual, By Barbara Spaggiari and Maurizio Perugi, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Salamanca (in press).