Luisa J. Garcés Sierra

- Ph.D. Student
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Lawrence, KS
Biography —
Luisa J. Garcés Sierra was born and raised in Colombia. She studied law at the University Pontificia Bolivariana and specialized in social security at the Externado de Colombia University. As a lawyer in Colombia, she focused her career towards assisting vulnerable communities. First, she worked with the Colombian Institute of Rural Development (INCODER) where she gained a deep understanding of the complex problems the underserved communities face every day. Luisa also worked with the National Center for Historical Memory (NCHM). The mission of this organization is to reconstruct, through the testimony of victims, the serious human rights violations that occurred in the framework of the conflict, searching for truth, justice, reparation and the construction of a sustainable and lasting peace. Luisa obtained her M.A. through the Center of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Kansas.
Teaching —
- Subaltern studies
- Human rights and Latin American literature
- Post-conflict Colombian literature
- Latin American film studies