Claudia P. Salas-Forero

- Ph.D. Student
- College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Spanish & Portuguese
Contact Info
Lawrence, KS
Biography —
Claudia P. Salas-Forero is a M.A. student in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. She has worked as a university professor in communications, and in the United States as a Spanish teacher. Her research has been published in several Spanish American journals. Study interests are focused on all aspects of culture, including politics, communications, history, literature, and topics which include second language acquisition.
M.A. in Teaching with a Specialization in Spanish, Marshall University, MU.
M.A. in Journalism, Marshall University, MU.
M.S. from the Business School, in Human and Employee Relations, Marshall University, MU.
B.A. in Journalism, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, DC, Colombia.
Research —
Research interests:
- Latin American Culture and History
- Latin Literature and Heritage
- Second Language Acquisition
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Latin American Culture
- Spanish
- Communications and Literature
- Second Language Learning
Selected Publications —
2023. “Gender, Race, Power, and Decolonization of the Transatlantic Secret Freemasonry in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries in Spain and South America,” 2023 European Studies Conference Selected Proceedings, University of Nebraska Omaha Nebraska
2022. "Transatlantic Afro Medicinal Power in the Inquisition of Cartagena de Indias and the Supreme Court of Madrid: Intersectionality, Hybridity and Transculturation". 2022 European Studies Conference Selected Proceedings, University of Nebraska Omaha
2016. "Positioning of Strategic Communication as a Management Function in the Biggest Companies of Colombia." Article published on the I Encounter, Colombian Association of Research Communicators, ACICOM, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.
2014. Publication, “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia,” Presentation North-South Encounters, Universidad de Manizales, Colombia.
2014. “Organizational Communication and New Technologies Strategy”, Article presented and published on the Encounter of the International Latin America Communication Association, ALAIC, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú.
2013. "Positioning of the Strategic Communication as a Management Function in the Biggest Companies of Colombia”, on the Signo y Pensamiento Journal, July-December, No. 63, pp. 94-109. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Category A.
2013. “Strategy and Strategy Process: The Organizational Path to Dialogue, Articulation and Innovation.” Delphi study done with experts from Iberoamerica. Article published on the journal of the Politécnico Grancolombiano, Category C. Colombia.
2013. “Organizational Communication and the Strategy in New Technologies”, Article published on the journal Inpahu, No. 8, pp. 91-100, Category C.
2011. Publication, “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia,” on Magazine Signo y Pensamiento, July-December, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Category A. ISSN 0120-4823.
2011. Selected as Research Presenter (publication), “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia.” Second International Encounter on Research and Specialization in Social Science, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, México, November 2011. ISBN 9786078015085.
2009. Publication on the magazine of the International Baccalaureate, IBWorld. Second language activities related to technology. International publication.
Selected Presentations —
2021. Presentation at the 2021 AATSP Conference in Atlanta, "Online Teaching Vs In-Person GTAs and other Second Language Approaches”.
2018. Presentation Colombian Association of Research Communicators ACICOM, with the document, “Change, under the Social Articulation Conflict, and Organizational Communication Future”. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
2014. “Organizational Communication and New Technologies Strategy”, Article presented and published on the Encounter of the International Latin America Communication Association, ALAIC, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú.
2014. Publication, “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia,” Presentation North-South Encounters, Universidad de Manizales, Colombia.
2013. Speaker in the Círculo de Periodistas de Bogotá (CPB) Forum and Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, “Journalism vs. Social Communication”.
2012. Presentation XIX Unesco Chair Programme, for the study, Communication for Change. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, DC, Colombia.
2012. Selected as Research Presenter (publication). Investicom, Communication Research Encounter. Social Communication for Peace. Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá, D.C. Colombia.
2011. Selected as Research Presenter (publication), “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia.” Second International Encounter on Research and Specialization in Social Science, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, México, November 2011. ISBN 9786078015085.
2011. Selected as Research Presenter (publication), “From the Conflict to the Social Articulation. Strategic Communication for Change”, Brasil, Foro Iberoamericano de Estrategias de Comunicación, FISEC, October 18 - 20. ISNN 1669- 4015.
2011. Selected as Research Presenter (publication), “State of the Art of the New Strategic Communication in Iberoamerica and Colombia”, National Encounter on Research and Development, Enid 2011, Universidad Nacional. ISBN 978-958-719-953-6. Colombia.
2009. Workshop Presenter. Hands-On Activities on Teaching a Second Language. Unión de Colegios Bilingües (UCB), Bogotá, D.C. Colombia.
Awards & Honors —
2014 – 2019. Member, Colombian Association of Research Communicators, ACICOM. Colombia.
2011 – 2018. Member of the Editorial Committee, INPAHU Magazine on Research. Fundación Universitaria INPAHU. Bogotá, D.C., Colombia.
2016. Member Board of Directors, Círculo de Periodistas de Bogotá, CPB. Colombia.
2009. National Recognition for article on “Education and Values.” WebQuest on Poverty. Editorial Pearson Longman Colombia.
2007. Caldo Member (Orange County Latino Issues Committee), North Carolina, NC. United States of America, USA.
2007. Board Member Latino Center – Orange County, NC. USA.
2006. License as a Teacher – West Virginia, USA.
2003. Women of Color Award – Marshall University, Huntington, WV, USA.
2003. Multicultural Programming Award (Latino Club) – Marshall University.
2003 – 2004. Founder International Women Student Organization (IWSO). Marshall University.
2002 – 2004. Founder and President, Latino Club – Marshall University.
2001 – 2004 . Member, Women Studies Students Association (WSSA), Marshall University.